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Say Goodbye to Frustrating IP Conflicts

and Tedious Manual Entries

Automate and simplify DHCP Configurations

DHCP Evolved:
The Gold Standard in Network Configuration

A better DHCP solution than basic routers or Windows Server:

Onsite DHCP Service

By having your DHCP on-site and not in the cloud, you are not dependent on internet connectivity. Business can continue uninterrupted.


Resilient Network

Failover to a backup or standby DHCP server means network services are always available.


Simplified Management

A comprehensive user interface that makes admin tasks easy.

Let's Get Started


DHCP Solutions Lack Crucial Features

An Alternative DHCP Server in High Demand That Few Network Managers Know About

As IT infrastructure continues to shift towards the cloud, cloud providers offer an option to managed DHCP Services within the cloud.


While convenient, these services may have limitations, usually restricted to devices within the cloud environment.


It becomes essential for network engineers to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of maintaining on-site DHCP servers. 


Onsite DHCP Server Options:

Network engineers have a range of options to consider when it comes to onsite DHCP servers. Let's dive into each of them in detail:


  1. Microsoft DHCP Solution: Organizations currently utilizing Microsoft DHCP may consider maintaining their existing solution. However, this approach may prove costly and unnecessary when other services are being migrated to the cloud.

  2. Routers and Firewalls: Quick to set up, routers and firewalls can provide DHCP services. However, they often lack advanced features, scalability, and reporting capabilities.

  3. DIY DHCP Server on a Linux Server: For those seeking more control and advanced features, setting up a DHCP server on a Linux server is an option. However, this approach requires expertise and ongoing management.


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The Challenges of Traditional DHCP Management


Traditional DHCP management can be fraught with challenges. Network administrators often grapple with:


  1. IP Conflicts: When two devices are assigned the same IP address, it can lead to network disruptions and downtime.

  2. Manual Entry Errors: Manual administration of IP addresses is time-consuming and prone to human error.

  3. Lack of Scalability: As networks grow, the task of managing IP addresses becomes increasingly complex.

  4. Security Vulnerabilities: Older DHCP systems may not be equipped to handle current security threats, putting the entire network at risk.


Enter Next-Gen DHCP Solutions


Next-generation DHCP solutions are designed to tackle these challenges head-on, providing an effortless IP management experience.


These solutions leverage the latest technologies, including cloud computing, AI, and machine learning, to deliver unprecedented levels of efficiency and security.


Next-gen DHCP solutions automate routine tasks, such as IP address assignments, renewals, and lease expirations. AI algorithms can also predict and prevent IP conflicts before they occur, ensuring a smooth network experience.


Next-gen DHCP solutions can easily scale depending on the network’s size and demand, making them perfect for businesses experiencing growth or those with fluctuating needs.




Next-gen solutions come equipped with robust security features to safeguard networks against threats. These include secure boot, secure DHCP, and dynamic DNS updates, as well as options for more granular control over who can access the network.


Modern DHCP solutions offer user-friendly dashboards that provide real-time insights into network status, including which IPs are in use, which are available, and any potential issues that require attention.



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The Benefits of Next-Gen DHCP Solutions

The benefits of adopting a next-generation DHCP solution are clear and compelling:


  1. Reduced Network Downtime: By automating IP management and preventing conflicts, next-gen solutions keep networks running smoothly.

  2. Improved Productivity: Network administrators are freed from the tedium of manual IP management, allowing them to focus on other critical IT tasks.

  3. Cost Savings: Automated DHCP management means fewer errors and less time spent on IP-related issues, resulting in cost savings for the organization.

  4. Enhanced Security: With advanced security protocols in place, next-gen DHCP solutions offer peace of mind that traditional DHCP servers cannot match.


Future-Proofing Your Network


As we continue to witness the rapid growth of IoT and an ever-increasing number of connected devices, the need for robust DHCP solutions becomes even more pronounced.


Next-gen DHCP solutions are not just about solving today's problems—they're about future-proofing networks against the complexities of tomorrow.


The Bottom Line


Effortless IP management is no longer a pipe dream—it's a reality made possible by next-generation DHCP solutions.


By automating the nitty-gritty details of IP management, providing scalable options, and ensuring network security, these solutions are setting new standards in network management.


For businesses looking to streamline their operations and secure their networks, the simplicity of next-gen DHCP solutions is an investment worth making.


So how are network managers supposed to manage DHCP services in 2024 without resorting to manual intervention?


Dedicated DHCP Appliances:

Dedicated DHCP appliances offer a compelling solution, emphasizing easy management interfaces and robust support.


Although they may incur a higher upfront cost, the advantages of simplicity and reliable support often outweigh the initial investment.


It is crucial to conduct a thorough evaluation of the feature set, failover capabilities, and support offered by different vendors to make an informed decision.


 DNSbox is the full-featured, failover-ready DHCP server you’ve been looking for.


User feedback has always rated the DNSBOX DHCP solution highly. With the increasing need for stand-alone DHCP, in 2021 we set out to build indisputably the world's best DHCP server. Informed by expert customer insight, that's what we've done.


See how it is done.


Seamless Network


  • Our state-of-the-art DHCP server is designed for effortless integration into your current network setup.

  • Save time and resources with a solution that works right out of the box.

Automated IP Address Management

  • Say goodbye to manual IP assignments. Our DHCP server automates the entire process, eliminating human error.

  • Dream Outcome: Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a self-sufficient network.

Fail-Safe Operation and Redundancy 

  • Our DHCP server offers unparalleled reliability with built-in redundancy to keep your network up and running.

Experience minimal downtime and maximum productivity

Stability and Future Growth

  • As your business grows, our DHCP server scales with you. No need for costly overhauls or system replacements.

  • Future-proof your network for the growth you're planning for.


Anthony Grande
Network Administrator

"I've worked with a lot of DHCP appliances, this is by far the easiest I've ever dealt with. I love the fact the UI is not nested, it's very easy to use, I'm not having to go six layers deep and then back myself up two layers to make sure it worked."

Peter Mitchell,
Network Infrastructure Manager

I have worked with a Windows DNS server previously, and having used both DNSBOX and Windows, I prefer using your DNSBOXes. The interface is easy to use and very intuitive."



Luke Chutckhan
IT Support Technician

"When we tried to assign 30 IP addresses to register new Chromebooks, there would be issues with cloud-based DNS servers."

Now, with DNSBOX, there has been a noticeable difference in reliability. We are able to assign as many IP addresses as we need at one time."

Case Studies


Whigift School


Whitgift School, a high-performing private school in Surrey UK, had outgrown its on-site network and urgently needed a practical on-premise DHCP solution for its imminent move to cloud-based networking. They looked into alternatives like Infoblox, but the solutions were over-powered, over-complicated and over-priced. Whitgift needed a much simpler solution, fit for a school. Whitgift found DNSBOX met their needs for on-site DHCP: Easy to deploy and manage Fit-for-purpose at a sensible price An always-on DHCP service By deploying two DNSBOX230s in active/passive failover mode, the school now enjoys the benefits of a cloud-based network with the added security and reliability of an appliance-based DHCP solution. "DNSBOX provided a reliable solution for our needs at competitive prices." Scott Shreeve, Network Manager Let's talk about your DHCP needs


Parliamentary and Health Services

In line with the UK government's "cloud-first" policy, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) migrated its IT infrastructure from physical servers to cloud-based systems. However, PHSO recognized that DHCP was one service that had to be left on-premise to support on-site devices and to avoid network security risks. The network team had considered switching their existing Windows server with a virtual machine solely for DHCP, but discovered that it would be too expensive and time-consuming to maintain. Using a router for its secondary DHCP functionality was also not an option as PHSO required a solution that could efficiently manage DNS forwarding. So PHSO approached Babble, a leading cloud solutions provider and accredited supplier to the UK Government's Crown Commercial Service, to find a dedicated on-premise solution. Babble quickly identified that DNSBOX was an easy-to-use and cost-effective match for PHSO's needs. They deployed a high availability pair of DNSBOXes at each of the PHSO offices to deliver DHCP and DNS services, adding an extra layer of redundancy to their network. The ApplianSys support team helped configure the system to PHSO's specific requirements, ensuring a seamless transition. Now, PHSO's DHCP service is 'set-and-forget' – giving them the essential security and reliability they need, along with management peace of mind. Let's talk about your DHCP needs


Footprint Centre

The Footprint Center in downtown Phoenix, Arizona, is home to three professional sports teams and hosts concerts and live events throughout the year. Internet access for the respective pro-sports staff, site staff, external media and entertainment groups needs to be delivered smoothly and without interruption. Network Administrator Anthony Grande is responsible for ensuring secure access for as many as 8,000 simultaneous devices. He was already hosting countless third-party devices and VoIP demand via separate virtual LANs and VoIP sub-networks. With demand on the increase, Anthony would soon need to purchase additional Windows DHCP server client access licences so visitors to the busy arena could access the network. Any increase in licence volume was likely to come at significant cost, and only add to an already complicated system. Anthony decided a dedicated replacement server would better expand DHCP capabilities and upgrade performance. He also hoped the new server administration would be easier to manage. And despite future plans for IPAM, he did not want to be forced to implement it immediately by purchasing a solution that depended on proprietary IPAM for DHCP to work. DNSBOX's modular and highly flexible configuration matched his needs perfectly. With DNSBOX, Anthony can add DNS or other DDI services as and when he needs them. There are also no extra fees for increasing client licences, so he can save the business even more money. Impressed by a tour of the user interface, Anthony was delighted to learn he could administer both DHCP and VLAN setup from a single, easy to use browser display. "I've worked with a lot of DHCP appliances, this is by far the easiest I've ever dealt with. I love the fact the UI is not nested, it's very easy to use, I'm not having to go six layers deep and then back myself up two layers to make sure it worked." Anthony Grande, Network Administrator "In choosing a best-fit DNSBOX solution free from additional licensing costs, Footprint Center can now cost-effectively handle thousands of DHCP requests," says ApplianSys Business Development Director Dave Gravell. "It has been a pleasure working with this device and how resilient it is. I take a nightly backup and it just works. It's exactly what you hope for when you buy a box like this, and 80% of the time you don't get something like this. Excellent appliance!" Anthony Grande, Network Administrator Let's talk about your DHCP needs

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